A nagging wife picture. 

Women are very special creatures, it is not just because they are soft hearted but because they have strong power over men but they don’t know! An average man works because he wants to impress a woman somewhere. Everything men do is centered around one simple fact in the long run: to get a woman of his dreams.

A man would do everything and anything possible to get a woman into a relationship but the moment she says yes, not many men would still be filled with fire especially if they had had sex with the woman. Once an average man has sex with a woman, he feels there is nothing else special that that woman has to offer so his passion for her begins to dwindle and oftentimes, he begins to look for another woman to conquer because to many men, winning ladies is like a challenge and men like challenges!
So what can I woman do to be the center of attraction in the life of the man that she loves?

In the previous post on this topic, I mentioned three ways to win a man's heart.  Today, I will give further points on how to stay relevant in a relationship.  A lady or woman who wants to remain the center of attraction in a man’s life must not do these things:

Be dry or uncreative.
Be dependent.
Be clingy.

Quickly, let’s take a look at the points listed above one after the other.

Being Dry And Uncreative 

In 2014, I met a lady. Then I was in a very strong relationship with another lady whom I have been datng since 2012. The lady that I was dating was not as beautiful as the new lady that I met yet the feelings that I had for her was indescribable because this lady that I was dating had a way of making our conversations seem limitless. We were always never short of words to say to each other. Then something happened in 2015 and we broke up. It was a painful breakup. After the breakup, her absence left a deep hole in my heart and I desperately needed another person to bring back the joy and happiness.

Naturally, the lady that I met in 2014 was the one I fell in love with because overtime, we have grown quite close to each other. We began a relationship and the frist few weeks was not so bad. Then after a month, our calls were no longer things to look forward to. We seldom chat again because there was nothing to talk about.  I tried several times to fill the void, to strike fire in the relations but nothing worked. Of course, I am not insinuating it is her fault that our relation was not afire, but one thing I noticed is that while my previous partner is always resourceful and offers opinion in everything we did, this new love always waited for me to say everything or to do everything. Soon, it became a one sided thing and I soon grew tired of thinking of how to keep it interesting. That relationship didn’t last more than six months till we quietly drew apart.

Looking back at it now, I think what went wrong was one simple truth: the lady was dry. Most people like excitement and suspense, especially men. Men want reasons why they should stay with you even after they have had sex with you. If you have nothing else to offer apart from your body, then no man will really value you. Don’t even think of keeping a man by spending money on him. Giving him money is not a guarantee that he would stay or that he wouldn’t love another woman elsewhere.

You must learn to be creative. Read a lot of books. Gist him about your day, learn how to embellish points (when and where necessary). If you want to say something, learn how to put it in an interesting way to him to stimulate his interest.  Watch movies, listen to songs and read books. If your man loves reading, cultivate the habit too to get him because if there are things that you can talk about, nobody else will mean so much to him like you.

 If he watches sports, nothing is wrong with it. You too watch sports and are updated about the sports that he loves.  If he belongs to a football club, don’t join his club, join another football club, especially the one that opposes his own club so that you both can have things to do and argue about. Don’t be boring!

Many relationships have broken up today because some partners are too boring for their spouses. You must learn to be exciting and interesting, not only during courtship but also in marriage! So study your partner, know his hobby and try to go along with him on that. Make his hobby yours because most people naturally like those that understand them and the most important way of knowing and understanding a man is by doing what he does.

2. Dependency. 

Men are naturally created to be providers. Most men would like to give their women what they wanted but for financial reasons, they may not be able to. No man would appreciate a woman that cannot buy pants and bras for herself until her husband or finance buys it for her. This is foolishness.

As a woman, there are financial responsibilities that you must be able to take by yourself without putting the burden on him. If you do this, any man would see you as a partner in the relationship, not a subordinate. Unless otherwise stated, pay some of the bills in the house if you are married already. When you do this, he sees you as an integral part of his life and he values your judgment and opinion.

Sadly, many ladies in the world today don’t bring anything to the table. Even those who have the money to do that don’t do it! No matter how rich your husband or spouse is, never let him take all the financial responsibilities. You can pay those bills that are not too expensive and let him deal with bigger bills like rent/mortgage, school fees and investment on behalf of the family.  This is how to grow.

Being self-sufficient is not only limited to money alone, a lady must learn to be emotionally self-sufficient to some level. Don’t go crying to him every time someone says something that hurts your feelings. You must be able to control your anger, frustration, disappointment and jealousy without outbursts every time.

3. Being Clingy.

Most women (ladies) have this propriety sense of being the owners of the man they are dating.  This, to put it mildly is called clinging. Men want to be independent; they don’t want to be seen as anyone’s property. Don’t make that mistake because it will only inspire resentment and hatred from the man you love. So even when you see him with other women, let him introduce you, don’t go announcing yourself to them in order to let them know that he is your husband or he is dating you. If he truly loves you, he will announce you to the world himself, you don’t necessarily have to blow your trumpet.

A clingy woman is a suspicious, emotionally imbalanced and jealous woman. These traits are some of the things men hate most in women. Any woman who exhibits any of these traits is more likely to experience more broken relationships than a woman who doesn’t.  It is not easy not to be jealous when you see your man with another woman. It takes a lot of courage not to be suspicious when your mind starts showing signs of infidelity. It is almost impossible to be emotionally balanced if your man keeps dating other women outside. Yet, these are not enough reasons to be clingy. Being clingy is a sin of emotional weakness. Being clingy cannot solve any of the problems listed above. Careful and strategic planning will do.

In the book by John Greene, 48 laws of power, he said in one of the laws that the best way to make yourself indispensable to someone is to stay aloof. Act as if you don’t care about that person. Behave as if what the person does does not in any way affect you! If he flirts with other women, you too pretend to flirt with men who are more handsome and probably richer than him then he would come running back to you because a man’s jealousy is worse than that of a woman. If he is seeing other women, let him know that you know but you don’t give a damn. No matter what you do, don’t be clingy! Soon, I’ll give solutions to the problems of a cheating husband or fiancĂ©.


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