What Makes High School Love Special?

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High school lovers hd picture.

What Makes High School Love Special?
I have been wondering for a very long time why to many people, their love life in high school is often very intense, powerful and unforgettable. Personally, my most exciting, emotional and heart-rending love experience occurred when I was in high school. I can remember the sleepless nights, the heart aches for missing that special person, the longing and the sadness that comes with not being able to see that special someone at the time that you wanted. I still have volumes of letters from my first girlfriend in high school. This previous week while I was rummaging through my books, I found bunch of these letters and I cannot but smile. So the question, what makes high school dating so special to many people?
Many old people and young adults all over the world today cannot forget the exciting experiences of their high school love life. I have heard it countless times from old people, reminiscing about the good old days when they were first in love. These love affairs to them had been the best dating experiences of their lives. To me these are the reasons why I think high school love remains unforgettable to many:
Image result for lovers in high school hd pictures
High school dating.

First Experience.
There’s nothing like the first experience. To an average human being, high school is the ideal place to experience what it feels like to fall in love. This does not mean that they have never loved someone else before. According to psychologists, at five and six years, a child is capable of loving another person. He or she already has a feeling of empathy (love) towards other people. Gradually, this love towards other people begins to extend to outsiders who are kind to them. Therefore, by the age of nine a child is fully emotional and ready to love. But for children at this age, this love towards outsiders is termed crush. So no many how strongly emotionally connected a child is to someone outside his or her immediate family, especially to someone of his or her own age, he or she cannot start dating because he or she does not know how to go about it. In fact, if any of a child’s family members insinuate that the child is in love, the child would out rightly deny it, though it may be true!
Therefore, by the time a child gets to high school, a lot of physical, social, biological, mental and emotional changes will occur. Children often reach puberty in high school, so their emotions shot up too and their sexual urge triples. Because in high school, one is given some level of freedom and exposes one to a lot of movies, books, music and most importantly, social media.  All these things will eventually lead one to having a relationship for the first time in one’s life. So one goes into it with all innocence and energy and it is usually intense and powerful, thus unforgettable.
Environment matters a lot. Many people are not exposed in high school. They may be living in a big city but their psychological environment is small. The people they know are not so many and they and in most cases their connection does not go beyond their immediate family, school and church mates. Therefore, when they eventually see someone who they are in love with, they go into it with all their hearts and it became an unforgettable experience.

For most people, their first experience at dating is always very exciting because they have not been really exposed to the whims and caprices of this life. Therefore, any relationship that they engage in will naturally look special to them which is understandable. Like myself, my first girlfriend proposed to me herself when we were in the junior secondary school. I’ll never forget that day in my life. My heart was beating madly in my chest throughout the whole time.
I couldn’t sleep throughout that night and even the following day, I was so excited to see her. Till date, that relationship was one of the most thrilling relationships that I ever had. Though the girl was more experienced that I was, yet we were both crazily and madly in love with each. Looking back at it now, I think what made it special was one simple fact: I was not so exposed so it was special to me. Over the years, I have been in many relationships with much experience, intelligence and the whole package. Therefore, I cannot be as moved as I was then when I was just a teenager and green.

 Do you have any high school dating experience that you want the world to hear? Share it here!


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  1. scofield2830@gmail.comNovember 15, 2019 at 9:52 AM

    Lol, forest p first love is always very special.

  2. Thank you sir, indeed first love is usually exciting.


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