
Showing posts with the label money

Which Is More Important in a Relationship, Money or Attention?

 Money or attention,  which is more important?  The importance of money and attention in a relationship cannot be overemphasized. Money is the oil that makes the relationship go smoothly. Many relationships and marriages had broken up today because there is no money to make the ride enjoyable. Yet, there have been countless relationships where there was enough money, yet they’d broken up too. On the other hand, attention too is very vital in a relationship.  There have been many cases of divorce and broken relationships because one of the partners is not always available to feel the void that the other partner feels within. Sometimes in a relationship, one begins to crave for more time, love, money and attention from one’s partner. When one is unable to get this, you begin to wonder if your partner truly loves you or he or she is just wasting your time. Between money and attention, which one should one ask for from one’s partner? To start with, money is go...